



Check your assignments in a calendar, updates (recent grades/announcements), assignments due today, and upcoming assignments at a glance, all in one place. The items in the dashboard can also be rearranged.



Search for everything, everywhere. Search utilizes all of the data shown in Power+ so you can find what you're looking for, regardless of it's in an assignment or buried in a discussion thread.


Course Content

Power+ has support for class homepages, assignments, grades, announcements, modules, pages, and discussions from Canvas. Power+ is read-only to ensure your records are always correct, so you'll still have to use Canvas for submissions and discussion participation.



See the people in your classes and your class sections even if the teacher has disabled the People tab in Canvas. People is also part of the Power+ search system, so you can easily find which classes you have with your friends.



Processing of Personal Information and Preferences

  • Power+ does not collect, store, or share any personal information. All personal information used in Power+ is fetched directly from Canvas to your device. All processing of personal information is done on-device.
  • Preferences and grade history are stored on-device and are not associated with your Canvas account.
  • Power+ is fully open-source on GitLab.


  • Power+ records data about the environment you use Power+ in. Power+ may collect the following data:
    • Your Canvas domain name
    • The method used to access Power+
    • The country and region you load Power+ in
    • The datacenter used to serve Power+
    • Information about your device's operating system and browser
    • Your network type and internet service provider
  • Data points are associated with a hash of your unique, randomly-generated Canvas user ID for the sole purpose of preventing duplication.
  • Analytics are collected directly by Power+ and are not shared with or sold to any third parties. Data points are stored in the Cloudflare Workers Analytics Engine.
  • All Power+ code, including all code used to record analytics, is publicly available on GitLab.
  • Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your privacy on Power+

Copyright (c) jottocraft 2018-2024. All rights reserved.