 * @file DTPS global search
 * @author jottocraft
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018-2023 jottocraft
 * @license MIT

 * Searches Power+ globally and shows results on the "Search Results" screen
 * @param term {string} The search term typed in the input box
dtps.globalSearch = function (param) {
    var term = param.term;
    var type = param.type;
    var courseNum = param.course;

    $("#dtpsMainSearchBox").attr("data-search-type", param.type).attr("data-dtps-course", param.course).attr("data-ctx-type", param.ctxType).attr("data-ctx-course", param.ctxCourse);

    //Ensure classes are rendered in the sidebar
    dtps.selectedContent = "stream";

    //Clear active state from all tabs
    $("#dtpsTabBar .btn").removeClass("active");

    jQuery(".classContent").html([1, 2, 3, 4].map(() => (
            <div class="card assignment graded">
                    <span style="width: 450px;" class="shimmer">Assignment Title</span>
                    <div class="points shimmer">00/00</div>

                <h5 style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;">
                    <div style="width: 200px;" class="infoChip shimmer"></div>
                    <i class="fluid-icon statusIcon shimmer">more_horiz</i>

    //Fetch everything
    var dataset = [];
    var datasetPromises = [];
    var checkedCourses = [];

    (courseNum == "all" ? dtps.classes : [dtps.classes[Number(courseNum)]]).forEach(course => {
        if ((type == "assignments") || (type == "coursework") || (type == "everything")) {
            datasetPromises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                if (!course.assignments) return resolve([]);
                resolve(course.assignments.map(assignment => ({
                    title: assignment.title,
                    class: course.num,
                    body: $('<div>' + assignment.body + '</div>').text(),
                    onclick: "dtps.assignment('" + assignment.id + "', " + assignment.class + ")",
                    locatedIn: assignment.category ? assignment.category : "Assignment",
                    icon: "assignment",
                    type: "assignment",
                    infoIcons: [
                        assignment.dueAt ? "alarm" : null,
                        dtps.user.parent ? "person" : null
                    ].filter(i => i),
                    info: [
                        assignment.dueAt ? "Due: " + dtps.formatDate(assignment.dueAt) : null,
                        dtps.user.parent ? dtps.user.children.find(c => c.id == course.userID).name : null
                    ].filter(i => i).join("$|$"),
                    icons: [
                            icon: assignment.missing ? "remove_circle_outline" : null,
                            state: "missing"
                            icon: assignment.turnedIn ? "assignment_turned_in" : null,
                            state: "turnedIn"
                            icon: assignment.locked ? "lock_outline" : null,
                            state: "locked"
                            icon: assignment.late ? "assignment_late" : null,
                            state: "late"
                    ].filter(i => i.icon)

        if ((type == "grades") || (type == "everything")) {
            datasetPromises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                if (!course.assignments) return resolve([]);
                var res = [];

                course.assignments.forEach(assignment => {
                    if (dtpsLMS.useRubricGrades && assignment.rubric) {
                        assignment.rubric.forEach(rubric => {
                            if (rubric.score) {
                                    title: assignment.title,
                                    class: course.num,
                                    onclick: "dtps.assignment('" + assignment.id + "', " + assignment.class + ")",
                                    locatedIn: rubric.title,
                                    icon: "assessment",
                                    infoIcons: [
                                        dtps.user.parent ? "person" : null
                                    ].filter(i => i),
                                    info: [
                                        "Score: " + rubric.score + "/" + rubric.value + (rubric.scoreName ? " " + rubric.scoreName : ""),
                                        dtps.user.parent ? dtps.user.children.find(c => c.id == course.userID).name : null
                                    ].filter(i => i).join("$|$"),
                                    icons: []
                    } else if (assignment.grade) {
                            title: assignment.title,
                            class: course.num,
                            onclick: "dtps.assignment('" + assignment.id + "', " + assignment.class + ")",
                            locatedIn: "Grade",
                            icon: "assessment",
                            infoIcons: [
                                dtps.user.parent ? "person" : null
                            ].filter(i => i),
                            info: [
                                "Score: " + assignment.grade + "/" + assignment.value + " (" + Math.round((assignment.grade / assignment.value) * 100) + "%" + (assignment.letter ? ", " + assignment.letter : "") + ")",
                                dtps.user.parent ? dtps.user.children.find(c => c.id == course.userID).name : null
                            ].filter(i => i).join("$|$"),
                            icons: []


        //Check if this course has already been checked
        if (checkedCourses.includes(course.lmsID)) return;

        if ((type == "modules") || (type == "coursework") || (type == "everything")) {
            datasetPromises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                if (!course.modules) return resolve([]);
                new Promise(resolve => {
                    if (course.modules && (course.modules !== true)) {
                    } else {
                        dtpsLMS.fetchModules(dtps.user.id, course.lmsID).then(data => resolve(data));
                }).then(data => {
                    var res = [];
                    data.forEach(module => {
                        module.items.forEach(item => {
                            //Prevent assignments from showing twice in coursework search results
                            //(since assignments can appear in both assignments and modules tab)
                            if ((item.type == "assignment") && (type == "coursework")) return;

                            item.locatedIn = module.title;

                    resolve(res.map(item => ({
                        title: item.title,
                        class: course.num,
                        url: item.url,
                        locatedIn: item.locatedIn,
                        icon: "view_module",
                        infoIcons: [
                        ].filter(i => i),
                        info: [
                            "Type: " + item.type
                        ].filter(i => i).join("$|$"),
                        icons: [
                                icon: item.completed ? "check" : null,
                                keywords: "completed done submitted"
                        ].filter(i => i.icon)
                }).catch(() => resolve([]));

        if ((type == "homepages") || (type == "everything")) {
            datasetPromises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                if (!course.homepage) return resolve([]);
                dtpsLMS.fetchHomepage(course.lmsID).then(data => {
                        title: course.subject + " Homepage",
                        class: course.num,
                        onclick: "dtps.classHome(" + course.num + ");",
                        locatedIn: course.subject,
                        icon: "home",
                        body: $('<div>' + data + '</div>').text(),
                        icons: []
                }).catch(() => resolve([]));

        if ((type == "pages") || (type == "everything")) {
            datasetPromises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                if (!course.pages) return resolve([]);
                dtpsLMS.fetchPages(course.lmsID).then(pages => {
                    Promise.all(pages.map(page => (
                        dtpsLMS.fetchPageContent(course.lmsID, page.id)
                    ))).then(pages => {
                        resolve(pages.map(page => ({
                            title: page.title,
                            class: course.num,
                            onclick: "fluid.screen('pages', '" + course.id + "|" + page.id + "');",
                            body: $('<div>' + page.content + '</div>').text(),
                            locatedIn: "Page",
                            icon: "insert_drive_file",
                            infoIcons: [
                                page.author && page.author.name ? "person" : null
                            ].filter(i => i),
                            info: [
                                page.author && page.author.name ? "Author: " + page.author && page.author.name : null
                            ].filter(i => i).join("$|$"),
                            icons: []
                }).catch(() => resolve([]));

        if ((type == "discussions") || (type == "everything")) {
            datasetPromises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                if (!course.discussions) return resolve([]);
                dtpsLMS.fetchDiscussionThreads(course.lmsID).then(discussions => {
                    Promise.all(discussions.map(discussion => (
                        dtpsLMS.fetchDiscussionPosts(course.lmsID, discussion.id)
                    ))).then(discussions => {
                        var res = [];
                        discussions.forEach(discussion => {
                            discussion.posts.forEach(post => {
                                post.locatedIn = discussion.title;
                                post.threadID = discussion.id;

                                if (post.replies) {
                                    post.replies.forEach(reply => {
                                        reply.locatedIn = discussion.title;
                                        reply.threadID = discussion.id;
                        resolve(res.map(post => ({
                            body: $('<div>' + post.body + '</div>').text(),
                            class: course.num,
                            onclick: "fluid.screen('discussions', '" + course.id + "|" + post.threadID + "|false|" + post.id + "');",
                            locatedIn: post.locatedIn,
                            icon: "forum",
                            infoIcons: [
                                post.author && post.author.name ? "person" : null,
                                post.postedAt ? "calendar_today" : null
                            ].filter(i => i),
                            info: [
                                post.author && post.author.name ? "Author: " + post.author && post.author.name : null,
                                post.postedAt ? "Posted At: " + dtps.formatDate(post.postedAt) : null
                            ].filter(i => i).join("$|$"),
                            icons: []
                }).catch(() => resolve([]));

        if ((type == "people") || (type == "everything")) {
            datasetPromises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                if (!course.people) return resolve([]);
                new Promise(resolve => {
                    if (course.people && (course.people !== true)) {
                    } else {
                        dtpsLMS.fetchUsers(course.lmsID).then(data => resolve(data));
                }).then(data => {
                    var res = [];
                    data.forEach(section => {
                        section.users.forEach(user => {
                            user.locatedIn = section.title;
                    resolve(res.map(person => ({
                        title: person.name,
                        class: course.num,
                        url: person.url,
                        locatedIn: person.locatedIn,
                        icon: "people",
                        icons: []
                }).catch(() => resolve([]));

        if ((type == "announcements") || (type == "everything")) {
            datasetPromises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                dtpsLMS.fetchAnnouncements(course.lmsID).then(announcements => {
                    resolve(announcements.map((announcement) => ({
                        title: announcement.title,
                        url: announcement.url,
                        class: course.num,
                        locatedIn: course.subject,
                        icon: "announcement",
                        body: $('<div>' + announcement.body + '</div>').text(),
                        infoIcons: [
                        ].filter(i => i),
                        info: [
                            "Posted at: " + dtps.formatDate(announcement.postedAt)
                        ].filter(i => i).join("$|$"),
                        icons: []
                }).catch(() => resolve([]));

    Promise.all(datasetPromises).then(results => {
        results.forEach(result => {
            dataset = dataset.concat(result);

        var idx = lunr(function () {
            this.metadataWhitelist = ['position'];

            dataset.forEach(function (doc, i) {
                    id: i,
            }, this)

        var result = idx.search(term);
        var resHTML = result.map(res => dtps.renderSearchResult(dataset[Number(res.ref)], res.matchData.metadata, courseNum == "all")).join("");

        if (dtps.selectedClass == "search") {
            $(".headerArea .contentLabel i").text("find_in_page");
            $(".headerArea .contentLabel span").text(result.length + " results");
            $(".headerArea .contentLabel").show();

                <div ${!["assignments", "coursework"].includes(type) ? `style="display: none;"` : ``} id="searchFilterContainer">
                    <div id="searchFilterCard" class="card">
                        <h5><i class="fluid-icon">filter_alt</i><span>Filters</span></h5>
                        <div class="checkContainer">
                            <div id="missingSearchFilter" init="true" onclick="dtps.filterSearch(this)" class="checkbox"><i class="fluid-icon">check</i></div> 
                            <div class="label"><i class="fluid-icon">remove_circle_outline</i> Missing</div> 
                        <div class="checkContainer">
                            <div id="turnedInSearchFilter" init="true" onclick="dtps.filterSearch(this)" class="checkbox"><i class="fluid-icon">check</i></div> 
                            <div class="label"><i class="fluid-icon">assignment_turned_in</i> Turned in</div> 
                        <div class="checkContainer">
                            <div id="lateSearchFilter" init="true" onclick="dtps.filterSearch(this)" class="checkbox"><i class="fluid-icon">check</i></div> 
                            <div class="label"><i class="fluid-icon">assignment_late</i> Late</div> 
                        <div class="checkContainer">
                            <div id="lockedSearchFilter" init="true" onclick="dtps.filterSearch(this)" class="checkbox"><i class="fluid-icon">check</i></div> 
                            <div class="label"><i class="fluid-icon">lock_outline</i> Locked</div> 
                <div ${["assignments", "coursework"].includes(type) ? `class="withFilters"` : ``} id="searchResultsContainer">

            if (!dtps.searchScrollListener) {
                dtps.searchScrollListener = true;
                var searchFilters = document.getElementById("searchFilterCard");
                var sticky = searchFilters.offsetTop - parseFloat($("body").css("padding-top"));
                window.onscroll = function () {
                    if ((window.pageYOffset >= sticky) && (dtps.selectedClass == "search")) {
                    } else {

        * Filters search results
        * @param {Element|string} [toggleItem] The selector for the element to toggle
        dtps.filterSearch = function (toggleItem) {
            if (toggleItem) $(toggleItem).toggleClass("active");

            //Check for enabled filters
            var missingFilter = $("#missingSearchFilter").hasClass("active");
            var turnedInFilter = $("#turnedInSearchFilter").hasClass("active");
            var lateFilter = $("#lateSearchFilter").hasClass("active");
            var lockedFilter = $("#lockedSearchFilter").hasClass("active");

            var filtersActive = missingFilter || turnedInFilter || lateFilter || lockedFilter;

            var filterRes = result.filter(function (res) {
                var item = dataset[Number(res.ref)];

                if (!filtersActive) return true;

                if (item.type == "assignment") {
                    if (missingFilter && item.icons.map(i => i.state).includes("missing")) return true;
                    if (turnedInFilter && item.icons.map(i => i.state).includes("turnedIn")) return true;
                    if (lateFilter && item.icons.map(i => i.state).includes("late")) return true;
                    if (lockedFilter && item.icons.map(i => i.state).includes("locked")) return true;

                return false;

            var filterHTML = filterRes.map(res => dtps.renderSearchResult(dataset[Number(res.ref)], res.matchData.metadata, courseNum == "all")).join("");

            if (dtps.selectedClass == "search") {
                $(".headerArea .contentLabel i").text(filtersActive ? "filter_alt" : "find_in_page");
                $(".headerArea .contentLabel span").text(filterRes.length + " results");
                $(".headerArea .contentLabel").show();


 * Renders a Search data object into HTML for display in the search results list
 * @param {SearchData} result The search result to render
 * @param {Object[]} matchData The list of matches from Lunr
 * @param {boolean} [mixedClasses] True if there are results from multiple classes
 * @return {string} The HTML for this result in the results list
dtps.renderSearchResult = function (result, matchData, mixedClasses) {

    if (!result.processed) {
        var matches = {};
        var matchTerms = Object.values(matchData);
        matchTerms.forEach(term => {
            Object.keys(term).forEach(k => {
                if (matches[k]) {
                    matches[k] = matches[k].concat(term[k].position);
                } else {
                    matches[k] = term[k].position;
        matches = Object.keys(matches).map(k => ({ key: k, position: matches[k] }));

        //A function that highlights a string
        function highlightString(string, position) {
            var parts = string.split("");
            position.forEach(pos => {
                //highlight part
                parts.forEach((part, i) => {
                    if (i == pos[0]) {
                        parts[i] = '<span class="highlight">' + parts[i];

                    if (i == (pos[0] + pos[1] - 1)) {
                        parts[i] = parts[i] + '</span>';

            return parts.join("");

        //Highlight matches
        result.bodyParts = [];
        result.bodyOverflow = 0;
        matches.forEach(match => {
            if (match.key == "title") {
                result.title = highlightString(result.title, match.position);
            } else if (match.key == "locatedIn") {
                result.locatedIn = highlightString(result.locatedIn, match.position);
            } else if (match.key == "body") {
                //Get longest 2 matches
                var sections = match.position.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]);
                var matchesToDisplay = 2;
                if (sections.length < matchesToDisplay) matchesToDisplay = sections.length;
                result.bodyOverflow = sections.length - matchesToDisplay;

                for (var i = 0; i < matchesToDisplay; i++) {
                    var matchStartIndex = sections[i][0];
                    var matchEndIndex = sections[i][0] + sections[i][1] - 1;

                    var startIndex = matchStartIndex - 10;
                    var endIndex = matchEndIndex + 10;

                    if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0;
                    if (endIndex > (result.body.length - 1)) endIndex = result.body.length - 1;

                    var res = result.body.slice(startIndex, matchStartIndex) + '<span class="highlight">' + result.body.slice(matchStartIndex, matchEndIndex + 1) + '</span>' + result.body.slice(matchEndIndex + 1, endIndex + 1);
            } else if (match.key == "info") {
                result.info = highlightString(result.info, match.position);

        //Map result info back into an array
        if (result.info) {
            result.info = result.info.split("$|$").map((info, i) => {
                return {
                    icon: result.infoIcons[i],
                    info: info,

        //Mark this result as processed so it doesn't have to be re-highlighted if a filter is used
        result.processed = true;

    return /*html*/`
            class="card searchResult ${mixedClasses ? "mixedClasses" : ""}"
            style="${'--classColor: ' + dtps.classes[result.class].color}"
            onclick="${result.onclick || (result.url && "window.open('" + result.url + "')")}"

            <!-- Color bar for the dashboard -->
            <div class="colorBar"></div>

            <!-- Assignment title and points -->
            ${result.title ? `<h4>${result.title}</h4>` : ""}

                <div class="infoChip"><i style="margin-top: -2px;" class="fluid-icon">${result.icon}</i> ${result.locatedIn}</div>
                ${result.info ? result.info.map(info => (
        `<div class="infoChip"><i style="margin-top: -2px;" class="fluid-icon">${info.icon}</i> ${info.info}</div>`
    )).join("") : ""}

            ${result.bodyParts.map(part => (
        `<p><span style="color: var(--secText);">...</span>${part}<span style="color: var(--secText);">...</span></p>`
            ${result.bodyOverflow ? `<p style="color: var(--secText);">+${result.bodyOverflow} more matches</p>` : ""}

                ${result.icons.map((icon, i) => (`<i class="fluid-icon statusIcon">${icon.icon}</i>`)).join("")}

//Fluid UI screen definitions
fluid.externalScreens.search = (term) => {

 * @typedef {Object} SearchData
 * @description An object that can represent any type of data to be searched.
 * @property {string} [title] Result title
 * @property {string} [body] Result body (can be HTML)
 * @property {string} [url] A URL for opening this result in the LMS
 * @property {string} locatedIn Describes where this result was found (as specific as possible)
 * @property {string} icon The icon to use for this result. Should match (and is displayed with) the locatedIn property.
 * @property {Object[]} [info] Contains any info (e.g. due dates) for this result. Has an icon property, label property, and info property.
 * @property {Object[]} icons Status icons for this result. Has an "icon" property, for the icon, and a "keywords" property for a string with all of the search keywords for the icon.
 * @property {number} class The number of the class that this result is from