 * @file DTPS pages & discussion functions
 * @author jottocraft
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018-2023 jottocraft
 * @license MIT

 * Renders the discussions list for a class
 * @param {string} courseID The course ID to render discussion threads for
 * @param {string} [defaultThread] The thread to load by default
 * @param {boolean} [fromModules] True if this page is being loaded from the moduleStream
 * @param {string} [defaultPost] The post to load by default
dtps.loadThreadsList = function (courseID, defaultThread, fromModules, defaultPost) {
    //Get class index and set as selected class
    var classNum = dtps.classes.map(course => course.id).indexOf(courseID);
    dtps.selectedClass = classNum;

    //Set discussions as the selected content
    if (!fromModules) {
        dtps.selectedContent = "discuss";
        $("#dtpsTabBar .btn").removeClass("active");
        $("#dtpsTabBar .btn.discuss").addClass("active");

    if (classNum == -1) {
        //Class does not exist
        dtps.error("The selected class doesn't exist", "classNum check failed @ dtps.loadThreadsList");

    //Load class color and things

    //Load module thread
    if (fromModules) {
        dtps.loadThreadPosts(classNum, defaultThread, fromModules, defaultPost);

    if ((dtps.selectedClass == classNum) && (dtps.selectedContent == "discuss")) {
        //Render sidebar
            <div class="title">
                <i style="font-size: 28px; margin-right: 7px; vertical-align: middle;" class="fluid-icon">forum</i>
            <div class="items">
                <div onclick="fluid.screen('stream', '${dtps.classes[classNum].id}');" class="item main back">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">keyboard_arrow_left</i> <span class="label">Classes</span>

                <div class="divider"></div>

                <div class="item shimmerParent">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">star</i>
                    <span class="label">Discussion thread Title</span>
                <div class="item shimmerParent">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">star</i>
                    <span class="label">Discussion thread Title</span>
                <div class="item shimmerParent">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">star</i>
                    <span class="label">Discussion thread Title</span>

        //Delete existing class content HTML

    //Fetch discussion thread data
    dtpsLMS.fetchDiscussionThreads(dtps.classes[classNum].lmsID).then(function (threadData) {
        //Store fetched data to the selected class
        dtps.classes[classNum].discussions = threadData;

        if (dtps.classes[classNum].discussions.length == 0) {
            //No discussion topics in this class
            jQuery(".sidebar .items").html(/*html*/`
                <div onclick="fluid.screen('stream', '${dtps.classes[classNum].id}');" class="item main back">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">keyboard_arrow_left</i> <span class="label">Classes</span>

                <p style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 60px; margin-bottom: 10px;">No discussions found</p>
                <p style="text-align: center; font-size: 14px; margin: 0px;">This class doesn't have any discussions</p>
        } else {
            //Loop over discusson threads array to create discussion thread HTML for the sidebar
            var discussionHTML = dtps.classes[classNum].discussions.map(discussionThread => {
                return /*html*/`
                    <div data-threadID="${discussionThread.id}" class="item">
                        <i class="fluid-icon">${discussionThread.locked ? "lock_outline" : "chat_bubble_outline"}</i>
                        <span class="label">${discussionThread.title}</span>

            //Render discussion threads in the sidebar
            if ((dtps.selectedClass == classNum) && (dtps.selectedContent == "discuss")) {
                jQuery(".sidebar .items").html(/*html*/`
                <div onclick="fluid.screen('stream', '${dtps.classes[classNum].id}');" class="item main back">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">keyboard_arrow_left</i> <span class="label">Classes</span>

                    dtps.classes[classNum].newDiscussionThreadURL ? (/*html*/`
                            <div onclick="window.open('${dtps.classes[classNum].newDiscussionThreadURL}')" class="item back">
                                <i class="fluid-icon">add</i>
                                <span class="label">New discussion</span>
                        `) : ""

                    <div class="divider"></div>


                //Load default thread if provided
                if (defaultThread) {
                    dtps.loadThreadPosts(classNum, defaultThread, fromModules, defaultPost);

                //Add click event listeners for discussion threads
                $(".sidebar .item:not(.back)").click(function (event) {
                    //Show the selected thread as active

                    //Get thread ID from HTML attribute
                    var postID = $(this).attr("data-threadID");

                    //Load the thread
                    dtps.loadThreadPosts(classNum, postID);

    }).catch(function (err) {
        dtps.error("Couldn't fetch discussion threads", "Caught promise rejection @ dtps.loadThreadsList", err);

 * Fetches and displays posts in a discussion
 * @param {number} classNum The class number to render
 * @param {string} threadID The discussion thread to render
 * @param {boolean} [fromModules] True if this page is being loaded from the moduleStream
 * @param {string} [defaultPost] The post ID to jump to
dtps.loadThreadPosts = function (classNum, threadID, fromModules, defaultPost) {
    //Show loading indicator
    if ((dtps.selectedClass == classNum) && ((dtps.selectedContent == "discuss") || fromModules)) {
            <div class="card" style="margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 75px;">
                <h4><span class="shimmer">[SHIMMER] Thread Title</span></h4>

                <div style="margin-bottom: 32px;" class="discussionHeader">
                    <h5 ><span class="shimmer">Discussion author name</span></h5>

                    <i class="fluid-icon shimmer">calendar_today</i>
                    <span class="shimmer">Discussion date</span>

                <div class="shimmer" style="margin: 10px 0px; width: 100%; height: 400px; border: none; outline: none;"></div>

                <div style="margin-top: 32px;" class="discussionFooter">
                    <button class="btn small shimmer"><i class="fluid-icon">post_add</i> Add Post</button>

    //Fetch discussion posts from the LMS
    dtpsLMS.fetchDiscussionPosts(dtps.classes[classNum].lmsID, threadID).then(function (thread) {
        //Post HTML array
        var postHTML = [];

        thread.posts.forEach((post, index) => {
            //Get background and text color for iFrame content
            var computedBackgroundColor = getComputedStyle($(".card.details")[0]).getPropertyValue("--cards");
            var computedTextColor = getComputedStyle($(".card.details")[0]).getPropertyValue("--text");

            //Create a new blob data URL with the post's content
            var blob = new Blob([`
                    <base target="_blank" /> 
                    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jottocraft.com/CanvasCSS.css" media="screen,projection"/>
                    <style>body {background-color: ${computedBackgroundColor}; color: ${computedTextColor};</style>
                `], { type: 'text/html' });
            var discussionPostContentURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);

            //Create HTML for replies
            var replyHTML = [];
            if (post.replies) {
                //Add space above replies
                replyHTML.push(`<br />`);

                //Get HTML for each reply and add to array
                post.replies.forEach(reply => {
                        <div data-post-id="${reply.id}" style="margin-left: ${(reply.depth || 0) * 50}px;" class="discussionReply">
                            <div class="discussionHeader">
                                ${post.author ? /*html*/`
                                    <img src="${reply.author.photoURL}" />
                                ` : ``}
                                <span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="window.open('${reply.replyURL}');">
                                    <i class="fluid-icon">reply</i>


                //Add space below replies
                replyHTML.push(`<br />`);

            //Create HTML for this post
            //Note that index == 0 is the initial post
                    <div class="card" data-post-id="${post.id}" style="margin-top: 20px;${index == 0 ? "margin-bottom: 75px;" : "padding: 20px 30px;"}">
                        <!-- Thread title (Initial post) -->
                        ${index == 0 ? /*html*/`
                            <h4 style="font-weight: bold">${thread.title}</h4>
                        ` : ''}

                        <!-- Author header -->
                        <div ${index == 0 ? `style="margin-bottom: 32px;"` : ""} class="discussionHeader">
                            ${post.author ? /*html*/`
                                <img src="${post.author.photoURL}" />
                            ` : ``}

                            <i class="fluid-icon">calendar_today</i>

                            <!-- Thread info (initial post) -->
                            ${index == 0 ? /*html*/`
                                ${thread.locked ? `<i class="fluid-icon">lock</i>` : ""}
                                ${thread.requireInitialPost ? /*html*/`
                                    <i class="fluid-icon">visibility</i>
                                    <span>You must post before you can see other replies</span>
                                ` : ""}
                            ` : ''}
                        ${index == 0 ? /*html*/`
                            <iframe id="classThreadIframe" onload="dtps.iframeLoad('classThreadIframe')" style="margin: 10px 0px; width: 100%; border: none; outline: none;" src="${discussionPostContentURL}" />
                        ` : post.body}


                        <!-- Reply / Add post footer -->
                        ${post.replyURL ? /*html*/`
                            <div ${index == 0 ? `style="margin-top: 32px;"` : ""} class="discussionFooter">
                                ${index == 0 ? /*html*/`
                                    <button onclick="window.open('${post.replyURL}');" class="btn small"><i class="fluid-icon">post_add</i> Add Post</button>
                                ` : /*html*/`
                                    <button onclick="window.open('${post.replyURL}');" class="btn small"><i class="fluid-icon">reply</i> Reply</button>
                        ` : ""}

        //Render HTML
        if ((dtps.selectedClass == classNum) && ((dtps.selectedContent == "discuss") || fromModules)) {
            jQuery(".classContent").html((fromModules ? /*html*/`
                <button style="margin: 10px 0px 0px 20px;" class="btn" onclick="fluid.screen('moduleStream', '${dtps.classes[classNum].id}')">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">keyboard_arrow_left</i> Back
            ` : "") + postHTML.join(""));

            //Jump to post if specified
            if (defaultPost) {
                $("[data-post-id=" + defaultPost + "]").get(0).scrollIntoView();
    }).catch(function (err) {
        dtps.error("Could not fetch discussion posts", "Caught promise rejection @ dtps.loadThreadPosts", err);

 * Renders the pages list for a class
 * @param {string} courseID The course ID to render pages for
 * @param {string} [defaultPage] If provided, load the pageID by default
 * @param {boolean} fromModules True if this page is being loaded from the moduleStream
dtps.loadPagesList = function (courseID, defaultPage, fromModules) {
    //Get class index and set as selected class
    var classNum = dtps.classes.map(course => course.id).indexOf(courseID);
    dtps.selectedClass = classNum;

    //Set pages as the selected content
    if (!fromModules) {
        dtps.selectedContent = "pages";
        $("#dtpsTabBar .btn").removeClass("active");
        $("#dtpsTabBar .btn.pages").addClass("active");

    if (classNum == -1) {
        //Class does not exist
        dtps.error("The selected class doesn't exist", "classNum check failed @ dtps.loadPagesList");

    //Load class color and things

    //Load module page
    if (fromModules) {
        dtps.loadPage(classNum, defaultPage, fromModules);

    if ((dtps.selectedClass == classNum) && (dtps.selectedContent == "pages")) {
        //Render sidebar
            <div class="title">
                <i style="font-size: 28px; margin-right: 7px; vertical-align: middle;" class="fluid-icon">insert_drive_file</i>

             <div class="items">
                <div onclick="fluid.screen('stream', '${dtps.classes[classNum].id}');" class="item main back">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">keyboard_arrow_left</i> <span class="label">Classes</span>

                <div class="divider"></div>

                <div class="item shimmerParent">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">star</i>
                    <span class="label">Class page title</span>
                <div class="item shimmerParent">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">star</i>
                    <span class="label">Class page title</span>
                <div class="item shimmerParent">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">star</i>
                    <span class="label">Class page title</span>

        //Delete existing class content HTML

    dtpsLMS.fetchPages(dtps.classes[classNum].lmsID).then(function (pagesData) {
        //Store fetched pages data to the class
        dtps.classes[classNum].pages = pagesData;

        if (pagesData.length == 0) {
            //No pages in this class
            jQuery(".sidebar .items").html(/*html*/`
                <div onclick="fluid.screen('stream', '${dtps.classes[classNum].id}');" class="item main back">
                    <i class="fluid-icon">keyboard_arrow_left</i>
                    <span class="label">Classes</span>

                <p style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 60px; margin-bottom: 10px;">No pages found</p>
                <p style="text-align: center; font-size: 14px; margin: 0px;">This class doesn't have any pages</p>
        } else {
            //Loop over discusson threads array to create discussion thread HTML for the sidebar
            var pageHTML = dtps.classes[classNum].pages.map(page => {
                return /*html*/`
                    <div data-pageID="${page.id}" class="item ${(defaultPage && (page.id == defaultPage)) ? "active" : ""}">
                        <i class="fluid-icon">insert_drive_file</i>    
                        <span class="label">${page.title}</span>

            //Render discussion threads in the sidebar
            if ((dtps.selectedClass == classNum) && (dtps.selectedContent == "pages")) {
                jQuery(".sidebar .items").html(/*html*/`
                    <div onclick="fluid.screen('stream', '${dtps.classes[classNum].id}');" class="item main back">
                        <i class="fluid-icon">keyboard_arrow_left</i>    
                        <span class="label">Classes</span>

                    <div class="divider"></div>


            //Load default page if provided
            if (defaultPage) {
                dtps.loadPage(classNum, defaultPage);

            //Add click event listeners for pages
            $(".sidebar .item:not(.back)").click(function (event) {
                //Show the selected thread as active

                //Get page ID from HTML attribute
                var pageID = $(this).attr("data-pageID");

                //Load the page content
                dtps.loadPage(classNum, pageID);
    }).catch((err) => {
        dtps.error("Couldn't fetch pages", "Caught promise rejection @ dtps.loadPagesList", err);

 * Fetches and renders a page and its contents
 * @param {string} classNum The class number of the page to render
 * @param {string} pageID The page ID to render
 * @param {boolean} fromModules True if this page is being loaded from the moduleStream
dtps.loadPage = function (classNum, pageID, fromModules) {
    //Show loading indicator
    if ((dtps.selectedClass == classNum) && ((dtps.selectedContent == "pages") || fromModules)) {
             <div style="margin: 20px; padding: 20px;">
                <h4><span class="shimmer">[SHIMMER] Class page title</span></h4>

                <div style="margin-bottom: 32px;" class="discussionHeader">
                    <h5 class="shimmer">Page author name</h5>

                    <i class="fluid-icon shimmer">calendar_today</i>
                    <span class="shimmer">[SHIMMER] Last updated at</span>

                <!-- Page content -->
                <br />
                <div class="shimmer" style="margin: 10px 0px; width: 100%; height: 600px; border: none; outline: none;"></div>

    //Fetch page content
    dtpsLMS.fetchPageContent(dtps.classes[classNum].lmsID, pageID).then(function (page) {
        if ((dtps.selectedClass == classNum) && ((dtps.selectedContent == "pages") || fromModules)) {
            //Get computed background and text color to style the iFrame with
            var computedBackgroundColor = getComputedStyle($(".classContent")[0]).getPropertyValue("--background");
            var computedTextColor = getComputedStyle($(".card.details")[0]).getPropertyValue("--text");

            //Generate a blob with the page content and get its data URL
            var blob = new Blob([`
                <base target="_blank" /> 
                <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jottocraft.com/CanvasCSS.css" media="screen,projection"/>
                <style>body {background-color: ${computedBackgroundColor}; color: ${computedTextColor};</style>
            `], { type: 'text/html' });

            //Get URL from blob
            var pageContentURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);

            //Render page card in the class content
                ${fromModules ? /*html*/`
                    <button style="margin: 10px 0px 0px 20px;" class="btn" onclick="fluid.screen('moduleStream', '${dtps.classes[classNum].id}')">
                        <i class="fluid-icon">keyboard_arrow_left</i> Back
                ` : ""}
                <div style="margin: 20px; padding: 20px;">
                    <!-- Page title -->
                    <h4 style="font-weight: bold;">${page.title}</h4>

                    <!-- Page header -->
                    <div style="margin-bottom: 32px;" class="discussionHeader">
                        ${page.author ? /*html*/`
                            <img src="${page.author.photoURL}" />
                        ` : ``}

                        <i class="fluid-icon">calendar_today</i>
                        <span>${"Last Updated " + dtps.formatDate(page.updatedAt)}</span>

                    <!-- Page content -->
                    <br />
                    <iframe id="classPageIframe" onload="dtps.iframeLoad('classPageIframe')" style="margin: 10px 0px; width: 100%; border: none; outline: none;" src="${pageContentURL}" />
    }).catch((err) => {
        dtps.error("Couldn't load page", "Caught promise rejection @ dtps.loadPage", err);

//Fluid UI screen definitions
fluid.externalScreens.discussions = (param) => {
    //Split parameter string into variables
    var courseID = param.split("|")[0];
    var threadID = param.split("|")[1];
    var fromModules = param.split("|")[2] == "true";
    var postID = param.split("|")[3];

    dtps.loadThreadsList(courseID, threadID, fromModules, postID);

fluid.externalScreens.pages = (param) => {
    //Split parameter string into variables
    var courseID = param.split("|")[0];
    var pageID = param.split("|")[1];
    var fromModules = param.split("|")[2] == "true";

    dtps.loadPagesList(courseID, pageID, fromModules);

//Type definitions

* @typedef {Object} PartialDiscussionThread
* @description Defines partial discussion thread objects in DTPS (for threads list)
* @property {string} title Title of the discussion thread
* @property {string} id Discussion thread ID
* @property {boolean} [locked] True if posting to the discussion thread is locked

* @typedef {Object} DiscussionThread
* @description Defines discussion thread objects in DTPS
* @property {string} title Title of the discussion thread
* @property {string} id Discussion thread ID
* @property {DiscussionPost[]} posts Posts in this thread, with the initial one first.
* @property {boolean} [locked] True if posting to the discussion thread is locked
* @property {boolean} [requireInitialPost] True if the user must post before viewing others' posts

* @typedef {Object} DiscussionPost
* @description Defines discussion post objects in DTPS
* @property {string} id Discussion post ID
* @property {string} body Discussion post body HTML
* @property {Date} postedAt Date for when the post was posted
* @property {number} [depth] The depth level this post is
* @property {User} [author] Discussion post author
* @property {DiscussionPost[]} [replies] Replies to this post. Nested replies (replies to replies) should be after this post in the array with a depth of 1, not in the replies key.
* @property {string} [replyURL] A URL that the user can visit to reply to this post

* @typedef {Object} PartialPage
* @description Defines a partial page object in DTPS (for pages list)
* @property {string} title Page title
* @property {string} id Page ID

* @typedef {Object} Page
* @description Defines Page objects in DTPS
* @property {string} title Page title
* @property {string} id Page ID
* @property {string} content Page content HTML
* @property {Date} [updatedAt] When the page was last updated
* @property {User} [author] Page author